
Modelo de Software Libre en el sector TIC y PYME en Extremadura

16 junio 2009

Recientemente, una pequeña delegación de extremeños fuimos a Sofia, para contar a nuestros amigos búlgaros cuál había sido la estrategia que desde Extremadura se había tomado en materia de Software Libre y las PYMEs, y de cómo, esta estrategia ha generado una nueva relación basada en servicios entre las empresas de desarrollo TIC y las PYMEs.

A continuación, os dejo el contenido de dicha presentación, espero que sirva de reflexión a alguien 🙂

LinEx PYME Project: Free Software & Innovative Solution in Extremadura

Our Experience:

2002: The Autonomous Government of Extremadura bet for offering to their citizens a Free OS with GPL licence and with the aim of approaching the new technologies to the people: gnuLinEx was born.

Octuber 2003: The Government of Extremadura considered the need of moving that philosophy to the company sector and started developing the LinEx PYME project:  http://www.gnulinex.net

Thanks to this, a small suite of business tools was offered to the public aiming the advantageously cooperation between these tools, the businessman and woman, and the ITC companies.

Relacción producida entre el sector TIC y las PYMEs en Extremadura gracias al Software Libre:


In this project, three essential parts can be easily identified:

Technological companies:
– Those who provide, or will be able to provide, technological solutions based on FLOSS (Free/Libre & Open Source Software).

Traditional SMEs:
– Those who want to modernize themselves with the use of technological solutions.
– Final clients of the technological companies.

Public Administration:

– Interested in the local development and also in providing a quality public service to their citizens.


– To get into a traditionally based-on-licence market where the regional technological companies never could compete. They have never had enough resources to develop killer applications.
– To cooperate in innovation and to compete in services.

– Change their business model, getting the return of the investment by services and not licenses (consulting, updating, training…).


– The use a better technological solution for their own management.
– Technological independence
– Saving costs.
– Adaptability.
– Security…

– To identify which is the best option for them, to pay for licenses or services.
– To bet for something new although difficult.
– To take time in learning a new management solution.


– To develop a strong regional sector of technological companies based on services around FLOSS applications. Create wealth and employment in the region.
– To modernize the local traditional SMEs with the best solution for them.
– To share their knowledge and putting it at disposal of all the citizens.

– Serving as intermediary informing the traditional SMEs of the existing technological solutions for their management.
– To guarantee the development of FLOSS in the region and the FLOSS applications in all fields.

Os dejo la presentación completa aquí: Software Libre, TICs y PYMEs

Un comentario

  1. ¿Y como es eso de vender un producto muerto y bien rematado? Es que no viene en las transparencias. Hay que tener cara… bueno, no, supongo que es cosa de mantener el trabajo a toda costa.

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